Unhappy Policy.

We strive to provide exceptional service to our clients. However, in the event that you are unhappy with our service, we have implemented the following refund policy:

  1. Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand behind the quality of our work and aim to exceed your expectations. If, after our service has been completed, you find that we have missed any areas or have not met your specific requirements, please notify us within 24 hours. We will return to your home to rectify any issues or concerns at no additional charge. If a concern is raised after 24 hours has past, a re-visit is subject to standard rates.

  2. Refunds for Unacceptable Service: If, after our efforts to address your concerns, you are still unsatisfied with the service provided, we will offer a refund. To qualify for a refund, the following conditions must be met:

a. You have notified us within 24 hours after the completion of our service, clearly stating the reason for your dissatisfaction.

b. We have been given an opportunity to revisit your property and rectify any issues.

c. After our revisit, if you are still not satisfied with the results, we will promptly process a refund for the unsatisfactory portion of the service.

3. Process for Requesting a Refund: To request a refund, please contact us via phone or email. Provide your name, contact information, service details, and a clear explanation of the issue. Our team will review your request and respond to you within 48 hours.

4. Refund Amount: The refund amount will be determined based on the portion of the service that did not meet your expectations. Relevant details, such as the size of the affected area or the nature of the issue, will be taken into consideration when determining the refund amount.